Rock Marker Committee
Fosters lake safety through the Rock Marker System.
Seasonal Installation & Removal
- Install on, or before Victoria Day weekend in May.
- Remove on, or after Thanksgiving weekend in October.
- Identify hazards to be marked.
- Conduct visual inspections monthly.
- Retrieve and replace wayward aids.
- Replace malfunctioning lanterns.
- Respond to reported malfunctions or wayward aids.
- Care for navigational aids, buoys, anchors, chains, components, fixtures, signage, spares, and tools.
- Store all assets prudently and safely.
Record Keeping & Documentation
- Maintain inventory of assets (aids, equipment, tools); plans; charts, maps; maintenance logs; expense reports, and receipts.
- Maintain lifetime “Sponsorship Program” records.
Community Outreach
- Enlist volunteers and the community to manage, maintain, support, and improve the Rock Marker System and awareness.