Representation for all since 1923.
Celebrating 100 years badge

The Kahshe & Bass Lakes Association (KBLA) is a dynamic assembly of committed volunteers.

Formally known as the Kahshe Lake Ratepayers' Association (KLRA) until 2024, the KBLA is devoted to the conservation of Kahshe and Bass Lakes, representing the interests of 67% of cottages to Municipal and Government authorities.

As a registered not-for-profit entity, the KBLA operates under a defined constitution. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) is convened to inform members about association activities, endorse the budget, and elect officials to leadership positions. Our financial sustenance primarily stems from membership fees, although we may occasionally organize fundraising events to support particular initiatives.

The organizational framework of the KBLA is structured as follows:

Board of Directors

The KBLA is managed by a slate of 15 volunteer Board of Directors, elected bi-annually by KBLA members at the AGM.

Directors must be members of the KBLA in good standing. The Ontario Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery requires that the executive positions be named. Individual roles within the Board are determined at the first full Board meeting after the election.


Several positions on the Board have specific roles and a specific set of responsibilities.

Directors-at-Large bring issues to the attention of the Board, voice their views at the Board table and participate in various activities of the KBLA.


The real work of the KBLA is done by a number of action-oriented Committees.

The Committees are created by the Directors, and report to the Board. Board members may be a part of multiple Committees.


The KBLA has consistently been comprised of volunteers who serve on the Board and Committees.

Volunteers coordinate and manage our events, taking on various roles solely to support KBLA. We rely heavily on their dedication and contributions.

Our Mission

The mission of KBLA is to protect and enhance the quality of life on Kahshe and Bass Lakes and their surrounding environments for future generations. The following is the core focus of everything we do.


We deeply care about the conservation and preservation of Kahshe and Bass Lakes.

Our focus is (but not limited to): Lake Plan Management and influence policies regarding water quality, fisheries, lake levels, and shoreline protection.

We monitor lake water quality year round and maintain the community beach.


We are the voice of our members. We not only hold representation at The Federation of Ontario Cottagers (FOCA), but we communicate with decision-makers and provide input regarding important matters such as municipal services, development, taxation, water quality, etc.

We maintain the value of your home and property by monitoring development and policies to ensure they do not devalue the beauty of our lake and subsequently, real estate values.


Rock Markers

We maintain the buoy and lighthouse system that identifies many hazards around the lake.

Safety & Security

The KBLA communicates with local governments to ensure safe conditions at dock facilities and on the lake.


Educational Opportunities

We provide support and/or a venue for educational opportunities and environmental programs such as FOCA workshops and webinars.

Lake History

We published The Healing Waters, a record of our lakes' early years.