Privacy Policy

Updated: May 1, 2024.

The KBLA protects the privacy of its members by maintaining personal information in the strictest confidence. KBLA does not share members’ information with other organizations without the members’ consent.

Collection of Your Information

KBLA collects, uses and discloses personal information only for those purposes necessary to administer membership and for related KBLA activities and in accordance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (January 1, 2004).

The information includes, but is not limited to: Names, Addresses, Telephone Numbers, Email, Fees paid and Date, Property Roll numbers, Donations.

Collection of this information allows KBLA to establish and maintain communications with members, identify members, and respond to their inquiries.

KBLA has reviewed its procedures to ensure that access to membership information is restricted.

Our Commitment to Security

KBLA members have the right to access and amend their own personal information and to withdraw consent to the collection, use or disclosure of personal information (resign from membership in the KBLA).

In accordance with the Act, KBLA has appointed a Privacy Officer who will ensure that we comply with all aspects of the legislation and continue to uphold all of the principles for protecting members’ personal information.

Questions and concerns should be directed to KBLA’s Privacy Officer, who is the current President of the KBLA.
To contact the President, please send an email to