Lauren A. Koenig

COM Committee Chair
New York, NY
Kahshe Location
NE tip of Boyd Island
Years on Kahshe
Kahshe Talent
Swimming around Boyd Island
Favourite Time/Season
Labor Day Weekend
Fun Fact
My siblings and I were baptized with Kahshe water
Favourite Activity
Dock O'Clock

Lauren is a change-agent by nature with deep experience in travel tech and a penchant for disruptive innovation.

Born and raised in the American Midwest, she lived in France, Silicon Valley, and NYC, where she founded TWIP—Travel With Interesting People—to address key gaps in travel personalization. TWIP's patent-pending technology was recipient of the People’s Choice Award at the Phocuswright Conference and winner of Lufthansa’s Innovation Award given to startups igniting industry change. In 2022, Koenig joined CELITECH, the leading connectivity platform for global travel providers, as Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer, to once again, drive disruption in the eSIM space. CELITECH was recognized by Mobile Breakthrough as the “Overall Wireless Broadband Solution of the Year” (2020-2023) and won the People’s Choice Award, LAUNCH Runner-up (2022) at the Phocuswright Innovation Summit. Koenig was nominated Volunteer of the Year in 2019 by the KBLA and continues to drive change in and around Kahshe and Bass Lakes as the association’s COM Committee Chair and Webmaster.

Best Kahshe Advice

"Never fry bacon naked."

Favourite Lake Memory

During my cousin's annual Kahshe visit, the adults would hold a “Boyd Island Blueberry Picking Contest," awarding money to the kid who picked the most blueberries in a set amount of time. There were prizes for 1st and 2nd place. It was a whole afternoon affair and competitive energy ran high between us all. My littlest cousin ended up spilling his blueberries twice before the final bell. Not did he only lose his marbles, but he lost the competition. I had never felt more sorry for another human being in my teenage life. The saddest (yet best) thing, is that it's all caught on video!

Photo cred:
Randy Craig
Kahshe Spirit Animal

Social and influencing with a need to interact with others.

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The Krier

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