
Kim Train

Vice President, FOCA Rep
Toronto, ON
Kahshe Location
Between Wolf & Twin Islands
Years on Kahshe
Kahshe Talent
Logic puzzles and oil paintings of Kahshe landmarks
Favourite Time/Season
Early Fall
Fun Fact
Collector of hummingbird feeders
Favourite Activity

For the past fifteen years, Kim Train's professional focus has been dedicated to contributing as a volunteer within Toronto CREW (Commercial Real Estate Women), an organization committed to empowering women to excel, exert influence, and take leadership roles within the commercial real estate sector.

With a proud history of serving for seven years on the Board, including her most recent role as President, she's actively engaged in diverse initiatives such as golf tournaments, educational and networking programs, fundraising, and strategic planning. 

In her professional capacity, she specializes in procuring substantial contractual services and products for commercial real estate landlords. Train's responsibilities also encompass overseeing operational excellence and managing transformative change. 

Her recent venture as a water-access cottage owner has presented a distinct set of challenges. As a newcomer to this environment, she's embarked on a journey of discovery to unravel the intricacies of accessing necessary services for our lake property. Within the board, she brings a unique perspective to represent fellow new community members. Serving on the KBLA presents her with the opportunity to participate in local events, integrate into the community, and advocate for matters pertinent to our expansive lake. She aspires to be a voice at the decision-making table, advocating not only for the lake itself but also for those who, like her, have water access.

Best Kahshe Advice

"Sprinkle your cat’s used pine kitty litter around the cottage perimeter to scare away critters. "

Favourite Kahshe memory 

We are very new to the lake compared to other folks I have met. Most of my fondest memories are of entertaining my kids and their friends, and our friends and family at the lake. Being a water access cottage with no previous boating experience, learning how to dock and drive a boat has influenced me the most. The skills I've developed to dock our pontoon with windy conditions have given me a sense of independence and pride in learning a new skill.

Photo cred:
Kahshe Spirit Animal

Busy but also taking time to enjoy the quiet surroundings.


In the absence or incapacity of the President, the Vice-President shall perform and exercise all the powers and duties of the President and shall act as an assistant to or representative of the President upon the request of the President.

The Vice-President shall step into the role of President at the end of the two-year mandate.


  • To perform the role of President in the absence or incapacity of the President.
  • To be an active member of the Town and District Liaison Committee.
  • Procedures: To serve as a resource to the Chair on the rules of order at meetings.
  • By-Laws: To carry out a biannual review of the KBLA Bylaws and procedures.
  • Contracts: To review all KBLA contracts.

Other Team Members


The Krier

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