April Drane

Past President, Town Liason
Gravenhurst, ON
Kahshe Location
Deep Bay
Years on Kahshe
Kahshe Talent
Helping others find their paradise
Favourite Time/Season
Summer solstice
Fun Fact
I had never driven a boat when I bought a water-access cottage.
Favourite Activity
Throwing tiki parties

April Drane boasts over 13 years of real estate expertise — mastering property transactions with finesse. Her keen market insight and client focus drive her success.

Prior to real estate, Drane had 35+ years of experience in interior design as the creative genius behind "Gadsbys," renowned for transforming spaces into captivating havens for Toronto's elite. Former president of the KBLA, Drane shaped local real estate and design, fostering community and excellence. Today, she continues to stage properties and craft personalized designs, seamlessly blending function with aesthetics. Her legacy is an unwavering commitment to a remarkable intersection of real estate and interior design, synonymous with sophistication and innovation.

Best Kahshe Advice

"Make sure your boat key — has a key float."

Favourite Kahshe Memory

During my first summer at the water-access cottage I bought, I found myself on a bit of a solo adventure. One evening stands out in my memory—after dinner with a friend, I started feeling a bit uneasy about being out there alone once night fell. My friend must have noticed because they kindly offered to come along for the ride across the lake. It was a relief knowing I wouldn't have to make the journey by myself. As I stepped onto my pontoon, my friend helped untie the moorings and gently pushed my boat out into the mysterious Kahshe night. With a reassuring smile and a wave, they said, "You'll make it home!" This little story really hits home for me—it shows that even when things seem tough, we have what it takes to overcome them.

Photo cred:
Randy Craig
Kahshe Spirit Animal

Always flying from one cottage to the next.

Past President

The Past President has a two-year tenure during which time he or she will act as an advisor to the President on the operation of the KBLA. To ensure the objectivity of the nomination and election process, the Past President will act as chair of the nominations committee.


  • To advise the President and other directors on various aspects of the KBLA.
  • To be an active member of the Town and District Liaison Committee.
  • The Past President is the Chair of the Nominations Committee and shall participate in the selection of candidates that represent various areas of the Kahshe and Bass Lake Communities to ensure that an appropriate slate of directors is put forward for election.
  • Continue in a known capacity to represent the KBLA at Town meetings, workshops, etc.

Other Team Members


The Krier

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