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Centennial Website Revamp and Rebrand

COM Committee, KBLA
July 1, 2024

KBLA Members Involved

  • Lauren Koenig
  • Mike Katsevman 


The Kahshe Lake Ratepayers’ Association recognized a pressing need to modernize its online presence and communication channels. With its existing website dating back to 1994, it had become outdated and inaccessible to the evolving community, particularly due to the influx of new residents and cottagers spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic. Recognizing the reliance on informal platforms like the "Kahshe Lake Community" Facebook group (est. by Lauren A. Koenig in 2007), the Communications (COM) Committee identified the necessity for a more inclusive, efficient, and accessible means of communication to engage the community and attract new members, as well as an association name that was more inclusive of both Kahshe and Bass Lakes and their entirety.


In July 2023, a thorough evaluation of the association's web infrastructure led to a strategic decision to transition away from WildApricot and WordPress platforms. Extensive research led to the selection of Webflow and Memberstack for their capabilities in enhancing user experience and membership management. Collaborating with the Directors, a comprehensive feature list was crafted, followed by the creation of wireframes to visualize the website's layout and functionality. With board approval obtained in September 2023, the initiative was set in motion to develop a new website and rename the assocation to be more inclusive of Bass Lake.


The association achieved a transformative overhaul of its brand and website, encompassing both front-end and back-end enhancements. A streamlined membership system was introduced, offering tiered access to relevant information. The shift to digital membership sign-ups and volunteer recruitment has simplified administrative processes. Additionally, a comprehensive directory featuring vendors across 25+ categories was established, fostering local business engagement. The transition to a fully digital Krier ensures real-time dissemination of information, while dedicated sections for Lake News facilitate the spotlighting of important updates. With improved organization and categorization, the blog and news sections offer enhanced accessibility and searchability.

Notably, an interactive rock marker map has been integrated, and committees now have dedicated pages to promote initiatives such as environmental education and etiquette awareness. The roles and achievements of KBLA Directors are prominently showcased on each committee page, fostering transparency and community engagement.

Finally, the motion to rename the association from the Kahshe Lake Ratepayers' Association (KLRA) to the Kahshe and Bass Lakes Association (KBLA) carried at the June 2024 Annual General Meeting.