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President Cryderman's Opening Salvo Fall 2023

Marnie Cryderman, President, KBLA
October 1, 2023

It is hard to believe that the 2023 Cottage Season is coming to a close. If you are lucky to call Kahshe and Bass Lakes your primary residence, I am envious! We truly have a spectacular place here in Muskoka, on these beautiful lakes, no matter what the season. My family is always among the first water access cottagers to open up in Grants Bay in the Spring, and never close up before Thanksgiving weekend.

We even found a way to extend our season at this special place by purchasing a couple of snowmobiles. We have spent many amazing hours with friends and family enjoying the lake, and plan to spend many more as our family grows to include grandchildren. 

I would like to thank the many volunteers who made events around Kahshe and Bass Lakes so successful this summer. Housey's Rapids celebrated their 60th Picnic, the Kermit Long Kid's Fishing Derby was back for a 15th season, the Kahshe Regatta on Nagaya Beach was fantastic fun, the Photo Contest captured life around the lakes and the final Beach Bar-b-que on Labour Day Weekend provided an opportunity for cottagers, residents, friends and family to visit and celebrate. 

It is also important that we acknowledge the many hours volunteers have spent helping with KBLA committee work. The Beach, Rock Marker, Water Access, Conservation, Boating Safety, KBLA Executive and Communications, Outreach, and Membership Committees have all worked hard to continue the work that our Lake Association started many years ago.

The AGM at the Gravenhurst Opera House on Saturday, June 24th provided a great opportunity to celebrate 100 Years as a Lake Association. New swag was available for purchase and copies of Healing Waters Volume III, commemorating our 100th Anniversary, were a hot-selling item. The cake was delicious and the opportunity to visit with friends and neighbours was wonderful.

The KBLA Board of Directors has many new faces this year and will continue to support the important work of the Association. Together we share a love of Kahshe and Bass Lakes and want to do our best to embrace the future while acknowledging the history that many longtime cottage families have shared on our Lakes. I often read older editions of the Kahshe Krier that are available in the member section of the KBLA website. These newsletters provide a glimpse into the past and include information about the work previous KBLA members have done to advocate, sustain, conserve, and improve life on our Lakes. 

In closing, I am pleased to take on the role of KBLA President for the next two years. Fortunately, past President April Drane is close by, as well as a dedicated group of KBLA Directors, some with many years of volunteer hours and expertise in the Association.