Clare Henderson Receives 2nd Annual 2014 Volunteer of the Year Award
It's almost impossible to measure his contribution to the lake. As the Association website webmaster, he is the heart and center of our entire community. The website is superb, informative, wide-ranging, and always current. It has become an effective tool for keeping in touch and up to date; it's the pulse of the lake, the board would be lost without it; cottagers would be adrift.
He is still compiling and collecting stories for the online editions of Healing Waters. He was the editor and driving force behind the first two (sold out) editions of Healing Waters, a history of our lake and community and an extraordinary achievement.
He was a huge presence working with the group behind Kahshe's essential and influential lake plan. He continues to work for the Conservation Committee and is one of its representatives on the Communications Committee. He was the man who made the Photo Contest happen these past four years. He has sent out reminders, gathered and organized the entries, worked with the judges, and helped coordinate the prizes and certificates. He has already agreed to work on the Kahshe Calendar. We know, that if he is on it, then it will happen. Simple as that.
What a wonderful testimony to a man who has given and done so much for our lake. It gives me great pleasure to present this year’s recipient of our annual Outstanding Volunteer Award to Clare Henderson.