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Price's Final Farewell

Keith Price, Former Editor, The Krier
October 2, 2023

Yes!  It does say "Final Editorial" since I am stepping down as Editor of the Kahshe Krier after this issue.

I took over the newsletter from Doug and Karen Paul back in 2009 and have thoroughly enjoyed the experience of being involved in the activities of the association and of the Kahshe community in general over the past 15 years.

When I began, the newsletter was still being mimeographed on long paper and mailed to all members. I quickly moved to a word-processor-produced version on regular paper (11"x18"), and soon began to offer digital versions that could be accessed from the website.  

Eventually, the cost of mailing out hard copies became prohibitive and members were asked to choose between paying for hard copies to be mailed or having the Krier delivered via email.  Over the next couple of years, more and more members chose to go digital, and eventually, the mailing option was removed.

It is now time for the newsletter to move into the "social media age."  Since I am not comfortable with social media and am dealing with minor (thank goodness) health issues, I have, after long consideration, decided to hand off the Krier to the younger generation.

I would like to thank all those of you who, over the years, have contributed articles, photos, reports, Letters to the Editor, anecdotes, etc. It has been a pleasure getting to know all of you.  

And, finally, I wish the best of success to whoever takes over from me. I look forward to receiving future copies of the Krier in whatever form it takes.

Enjoy the winter.