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The Winners of 12th Annual Photography Contest

Bruce Gibson
August 6, 2024

The 12th Annual Kahshe Lake Photography Contest showcased an impressive array of talent across five categories, celebrating the beauty of Kahshe Lake through the lenses of photographers. However, this year saw no entries in the "Kids Eye View" category, which is dedicated to photographers under 18 years old. The contest was judged by Bruce Gibson and Toby Fletcher, who brought their expertise and keen eye to selecting the winners.


First Place: Fritz Vatter

Second Place: David Bauer

Third Place: Fritz Vatter


First Place: David Bauer

Second Place: Linette Mori

Third Place: Dave Barron

Lake Life

First Place: April Duda

Second Place: Leann Pockett-Swalwell

Third Place: Karen Kading

Lake Kids

First Place: Madison Kading

Second Place: Nicky Summers

Third Place: Vivian Grant

Kids Eye View

No Entries (Must be under 18 to participate)

Looking ahead, entries for the next competition are open until July 25th, 2025. We encourage photographers to capture the essence of Kahshe Lake in all seasons, from the vibrant colors of autumn to the serene winter landscapes. To help you get started, here are a few pointers for shooting stunning photography:

1. Use the Rule of Thirds: This classic photography principle helps create balanced and engaging shots. Imagine dividing your frame into nine equal segments with two vertical and two horizontal lines. Place your subject along these lines or at their intersections to create a more dynamic composition.

2. Leverage Natural Light: The quality of light can make or break a photo. Golden hours—shortly after sunrise and before sunset—offer soft, warm light that enhances landscapes and portraits. Avoid harsh midday sunlight, which can create unflattering shadows.

3. Focus on Details: Sometimes, the smallest elements can tell the most compelling stories. Look for interesting textures, patterns, and colors that highlight the uniqueness of Kahshe Lake. Macro shots of plants, insects, or water reflections can add an intimate touch to your portfolio.

4. Experiment with Perspectives: Don’t be afraid to get creative with your angles. Try shooting from a low angle to make subjects appear larger than life or capture a bird’s eye view for a fresh perspective. Changing your viewpoint can often reveal a scene in a whole new light.

5. Patience and Timing: Great photography often requires waiting for the right moment. Whether it's wildlife photography, where animals might take time to come into view, or landscape shots that need the perfect lighting and weather conditions, patience can be key to capturing that perfect shot.

6. Practice and Experiment: Don’t hesitate to try new techniques or settings on your camera. The more you experiment, the better you’ll understand what works best for different situations. Take multiple shots from different angles and settings to increase your chances of capturing the perfect image.

Make sure to enter here for next year's contest — we look forward to seeing your stunning photos!