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Jean Beauchamp (May 4, 1926 — Jan 11, 2024)

Wendy Houlberg
January 11, 2024

Jean Beauchamp passed in January at the age of 97, less than three months after her husband Norm passed. She was heartbroken without her partner of 75 years of marriage. They had owned the cottage on Kahshe Lake since 1966. Jean worked full time but would quit each June to be able to spend the summer at the cottage with their four children, Susie, Bruce, Wayne, and Wendy. 

Norm would join them every weekend and for two or three weeks during the DeHavilland summer shutdown, where he worked. Every September, her employer would ask her back as she was such a diligent employee. Jean was a swimmer instructor and passed the love of the water to her children. We all took swimming lessons, (not from her), some of them at the Bass Lake beach. Their children were so fortunate to be able to spend the whole summer at the cottage. It has given us great memories of swimming, skiing, and boating. The time at the cottage also instilled a love of nature, campfires, star watching, and walking through the forest.

The cottage is now Wendy and Dennis Houlberg’s with their children Kevin and Derek. We are so grateful that the cottage could stay in the family for all to enjoy.